Elevate Your Podcasting Experience Without Breaking the Bank

In this ever-evolving world of podcasting, finding the right studio to record your episodes can make a significant difference in the quality of your content. At Go Live, we understand the importance of a professional recording environment without the hefty price tag. 

Affordability Meets Professional Quality

One of the key advantages of choosing our studios is cost-effectiveness. Our studio was built by sound engineers who understand how to create quality sound and recordings. We offer top-notch facilities at a fraction of the price of many of our competitors. Our goal is to support podcasters of all levels by providing access to high-quality recording spaces that don’t strain your budget.

Your Podcast, Your Brand

Unlike other studios that prominently display their own network’s branding, we believe in putting the spotlight where it belongs: on you, the creator. When you record with us, your podcast’s identity takes center stage. We feature lighting around the room and under the console that reflects your color scheme. We have two screens that feature your podcast logo, or whatever content you choose. We also offer lighted branding options with your podcast brand featured prominently. This isn’t our podcast – it belongs to you, because your listeners connect with your unique voice and style from the moment they tune in.

World Class Podcast Hosting

We are podcasting experts – from how to plan, record, build it, brand it, and publish it, we have you covered. But it does not belong to us. It belongs to you. Complete transparency, affordability, and flexibility are key. If you ever want to change providers or take your podcast elsewhere, we can hand you the keys instantly, with no hassle, haggling, or holdups. We offer an enterprise hosting solution with a world-class leader in the industry. And you always get access.

Real Time Listenership Statistics YOU Can Access

We don’t make empty promises about listenership – building an audience takes time and effort. And while we have some solutions that can help build your brand, the key is to provide 100%Sample Reports You can customize clarity on who is listening and from where. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) sets the standard for podcast listenership statistics, and compliance with this industry standard is an absolute necessity for legitimate reporting. Want to see your statistics? Log in to our platform at any time to see the following;

  • Total Streams By Episode: Set a time range to look at when an episode was downloaded.

  • Listens to All Streams Week by Week: See how all episodes (past and current) are being downloaded today, to see which episodes and titles really stood out to your audience.

  • Listens by Destination: How did your audience find you? Compare all of the platforms for better engagement. Find out if they heard your podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, YouTube, and others!

  • Listens by User Agent: Did they ask Alexa? Listen on their smart watch?  Find out whether your audience is downloading from Apple or Android devices, their desktop, smart appliances and more.

  • Where in the World?: Learn what countries your episodes were listened to the most.

Many clients we’ve met have been given limited access to their content. We believe that transparency and open access to your content is the only way to provide you with service you can trust.

How We Can Help

We’ve been in the audio delivery business for 27 years, and building podcasts and podcast networks since 2011. We’ve helped broadcasters on radio create an image and proper brand for their B2B and B2C outreach as well. We can provide coaching, research, and branding that helps make your impression felt – all for a fraction of what traditional marketing costs.

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